The Computer Labs have many different software installed in the computers. If you want to know which software is in each Computer Lab then click on the location here below:
- Árnagarður
- Askja
- Eirberg
- Gimli
- Hagi
- Háskólatorg 204
- Háskólatorg 302
- Læknagarður
- Nýi Garður
- Oddi 102
- Oddi 103
- Oddi 301
- VR-II 260
- VR-II 353
Note! Requests regarding software installation in the computer labs should be directed to Division of IT with at least week notice. On the other hand requests for installation of larger software should be directed to the computer labs supervision before the beginning of each semester. Requests are sent by mail:
The computer labs supervision stipulates the right of rejecting requests of software installations that are not received within the required time period. The expenses for the installation work will be sent to the requestor.