Directions for use

Computer equipment user rules

User rules

User rules for computer equipment owned or operated by the Division of IT and the University network (HInet).

The user rules for computer equipment either owned or operated by Division of IT aim at a simple usage of equipment and service for members of UoI.

The rules apply for all students and employees of UoI, its institutes and other users of Division of IT’s equipment. The rules also apply for users of HInet. Users are obligated to study the rules.

Access to computer equipment, network, documents and other service either provided by Division of IT or to be found on HInet is intended for growth in; education, teaching, researching , association and communication between members of UoI and other standardized factors relating to the role and mission of the University and its departments.

Computer equipment, network, documents and other service either provided by Division of IT or to be found on HInet should be used in an honest, ethical and legal way. Each user is responsible for its own usage.

Users should only use computer equipment they are permitted to use. A user should always verify himself with right information in all its communication on HInet and other networks related e.g. webmail, internet news communication and file sharing communication.

A user should always ensure the safety of computer equipments from the University. Others users privacy should be respected and the copyright of software, programmes and files should also be respected. The rules should be respected regarding certain networks and information providers as well as rules which have been made by supervisors of special contents of HInet.

A user should monitor the traffic of files been transferred, cost related to it and effect it has on reduced possibility of usage for other users.

Users are unauthorized to try to connect to Division of IT computer equipment or other parties’ equipment, which connection goes through HInet, by using a username the one in question is not entitled to use. It is also not allowed to try to gain possession of others users username and password. A user should never give other information about its own username and password.

Users are unauthorized to try to gain possession of files or software in someone else’s ownership unless there is a clear permission. It is also not allowed to change or trying to change other user’s software or files or in any other way to affect others usage possibilities.

It is forbidden to remove, change or relocate any hardware or software belonging to Division of IT, unless there is a clear permission from the owner.

It is not allowed to copy software or files in someone else’s ownership unless there is a clear permission from the owner.

It is not allowed to use Division of IT’s computer equipment for a business use without a special permission.

Violation of rules

Violating the rules could lead to a user account being closed and information regarding the violation sent to UoI’s board of directors for a discussion and ruling.

Division of IT stipulates its right to close an access to computer equipments and HInet if we find an arguable support that a usage is a threat to the operating security of Division of IT, HInet or to the University’s reputation.

Violating these rules concerns national laws.

If a student is exposed of violating these rules or other rules of the University a student might expect a warning or being expelled from the University either temporarily or permanently, referring to 24. and 25. paragraph of The University of Iceland act nr. 131/1990 and 39. and 40. paragraph of regulation of The University of Iceland nr. 98/1993 including further changes.

These rules were approved on a boards meeting the 16 th of August 1996 and came immediately into effect.

Computer labs - Rules of conduct

Please be aware of certain rules that apply for the computer labs and we expect all users to kindly respect the following rules:

  • Show consideration to other users.
  • It is not allowed to bring any food or drink in to the computer labs. Smoking is strictly forbidden.
  • Users are expected to be tidy and show orderliness.
  • Talking on cell phone is not allowed.
  • Users should leave the computer labs immediately if either, the building is about to close or when a teacher or other employers of the University requests it.

Users disregarding the rules can expect to be ordered to leave the computer lab immediately!